Welcome to the Resource Vision newsletter. This is a way for me to share analysis, explainers and notes on important issues for sustainability, together with designs and tools - and support conversations and collaborations around them.

Main themes include:

  • Sustainability science and policy
  • Sustainable architecture and urban design
  • Design tools and methods
  • History of sustainability policy and advocacy
  • Economic theory
  • Architectural theory
  • Policy, science, analysis tools and methods
  • Urbanisation including housing, retail, construction

Below is a non-exhaustive list of products on which and environments in which I have worked with these themes, mainly as the consulting and design studio Resource Vision. Most of the content in this newsletter will be drawn from or build on that work, but some will be guest content. (Scroll horizontally on mobile.)

Policy Teaching Design Research Consulting, Lecturing
UNEP Geneva, Industry Officer KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Architecture Schoool, Stockholm Large collabs BIG, White, Strategisk, ++ University of Surrey, Dept of Engineering SEI Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm + York
UNEP Book, Consumption Opportunities KTH Planning School, Stockholm Small collabs Kjellander + Sjöberg, Petra Gipp, OnOffice,++ KTH Sustainability Engineering, Stockholm Eden Project, Carbon Neutral, City of Pittsburgh, ++
WWF Book, Sustainble Urban Solutions Handbook KKH Royal College of Art, Stockholm Urban, residential, landscape projects TEDx, Pittsburgh p4, Norwegian Energy Association, Danish Ministry of Environment, ++
Philosophical Basis, UK Green Party

There are two more precise goals, beyond sharing content and supporting exchange:

  • creating a set of reliable resources: there's huge number of people coming into the sustainability space and wondering where they can find reliable content. This needs to be both accessible and deep, not shy away from political tensions and complexity but not drive a crudely ideological or simplified view either.
  • bridging between the policy/science and built environment/design worlds: I have spent a lot of time linking environmental science and policy to the built environment, specifically architectural and urban design. It seems to clear to me that the built environment is the context for largest changes toward sustainability - but design and real estate practitioners need to know their ABCs of sustainability; and sustainability folks need to get grips with the reality of cities, buildings and design.

For newsletter #1 content, see the contents page.

For newsletter #2, here's the planned content (scroll horizontally on mobile):

Sustainability Next - Context + Texture Bioregionalism Does venture capital and sustainability/climate mix? Steget - Service-integrated housing Consumption Opportunies UN Framework TBA
Smart energy - tech vs strategy Urban farming What's wrong with LEED?
Paris - The Dream and Drama of Climate Policy Negative emissions technology Does CSR reporting work?

This site will become better organized and tagged over time, which may help you find interesting things. If you see anything you are interested in, or you want to explore or share anything related to the stuff listed above or any of the pages here, subscribe and jump into the Discord server, or contact me directly on email.

I hope to add a sustainability resource app for both policy and built sector professionals, making it easy to find and use the reference content here.

If you like the content, but don't want to pay, email me to suggest a collaboration, or another suggestion, and we'll work it out. Students go free, just ask.